Monday, March 9, 2009

3 Things

1. I was in a restaurant bathroom the other day and the toilet seat WAS HEATED. But of course, it's not like there was a sign there telling me this or anything, I had to figure it out myself. I was peeing and the seat was nice and warm...and I figured it was just from the person before me (EW!), but it didn't was consistently the same temperature. When I was done peeing, I even put the back of my hand on the seat to make sure my thighs weren't crazy. Yes, it was warm. Now, I am the first person on this planet to vote for more warm things. I love warm things. The warmer the better. But this was creepytown.

2. I just saw a commercial for a new movie coming up. It's called "17 Again" or something like that, and it's starring Zac Efron. Now it's true that I am a Twilight fan, but I am not in general a tween-style fangrrl, so Zac Efron does nothing for me. HOWEVER. This movie looks fantastic. I am ashamed, but I want to see this movie. It looks really funny. And Zefron is actually pretty cute acting all paternal. Is that weird?

3. Clive Owen. What is his deal. He is a really good actor and he is very sexy. He could be in some really great movies. But what has he done with his career? He's done bullshit, that's what. King Arthur? Shoot 'Em Up? DUPLICITY?? He was fantastic in Closer. And maybe Shoot Em Up was a good movie for what it was meant to be, but what it was meant to be was a joke. And if one of your best movies is "Children of Men", you've got problems. And now this Duplicity bullshit. Come on Clive! Have some pride in yourself.

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