Saturday, January 3, 2009


Bloopers. We need more of them. Every time I rent a video, I check the "specials features" section. And 95% of the time, there are no bloopers. Outtakes, gag real, whatever you want to call them. Why not?? Every movie HAS bloopers. Why can't they just tack them onto the dvd? Is it that hard? I love bloopers. Maybe even more than the movies themselves. So every movie should have them. And I mean every movie. We're talking Schindler's List here. Ok, maybe out of respect, we could skip the Holocaust movies. But that would be a large exception.


  1. I agree, bloopers are the best and I love watching them

  2. Agreed! Bloopers are so much fun...I remember, how funny they are especially in all the sitcoms...someone should actually come up with similar stuff in movies as well..:)
