Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vote for my puppy

A girl at work has this puppy, a shar pei, and he's very cute and all BUT. She entered his picture into this Cutest Puppy contest online, and she keeps bugging people at work to vote for him (preferably as many times as we physically can). She reminded me at least 5 times, and literally came to my desk and watched me to ensure that I registered and voted. And she doesn't say, "hey I entered my dog in this contest, if you want to vote." Or even, "I would love it if you would vote for him." It's just, you will vote for my dog. I don't understand why people do this. I would never force anyone to vote for something of mine regardless of their opinion. Her dog is cute, to us, but he's a shar pei. Have you seen them? They're the wrinkly ones. So he's kind of cute in an ugly way. He's so ugly he's cute. He is certainly not a little golden retriever puppy or a wheaton terrier puppy. So bottom line, he's not whom I would actually choose to vote for, and he certainly isn't going to win. Why is she forcing me to waste my time on this?

This kind of shit happens all the time. A friend of mine forced me to vote for her decorated pumpkin, another friend tried to pressure me into voting for her make-up work. It would be completely different if they just said, "hey, I'm in this contest, if you're interested in supporting me." I would actually be way more willing to take a look and vote (if I think they deserve it). But they ALWAYS say, "ok guys, here's the thing I entered, VOTE FOR MEEEE!!!" And then they become relentless about it, not even considering the idea that maybe I don't want to vote. Hey, maybe I don't like registering at more websites than necessary. Or maybe I just don't like the idea of voting for something I don't believe in.

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