Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Good Day

I just wanted to say that today was a good day. Nothing big happened, it was just very nice. I got to sleep in pretty late because my dance class was canceled (due to the crazy ice storm). My bed was really comfy and warm and newly sheeted (new flannel sheets that are a lovely gray color, making it even easier to be sleepy in them, and they look really lovely with my light purple blanket and white comforter). I was wearing new sweatpants that are the warmest, comfiest things I have ever encountered. My cat, Jane, came and slept with me for a while. Then I got up and showered immediately (I usually end up sitting around watching tv and doing nothing for a couple of hours if I have no where to be, and I always end up wishing I had just showered and gotten my shit together right away).

I had some yummy Chex cereal with bananas. Then I hung out for a while, did some laundry, had some lunch, painted my nails, aaaannnnnd the biggest thing: wrote my Personal Statement for my grad school application. My app is due December 3rd, and the Personal Statement is the only thing I had left to do, and I wanted to get my app done early, but I always procrastinate on stuff like this, so it was my goal to do it this weekend. Usually for stuff like this, I'll make a goal to get it done and then I allllways end up doing absolutely nothing and not getting it done and stressing out about how I'm not getting it done and consoling myself by doing something I enjoy...which is of course still not getting it done, but this time, I tooootally forced myself to just do it. And I did! And I shouldn't be this pleased with myself, considering the fact that I'm an adult and I should be able to do this stuff anyway. But whatever. It's the small things.

Ok, so then I had to go cat sit for a friend, so I hung out with the kitty for about an hour and half, got some dinner, finished some laundry, and hung out doing not much. A wooooonderfulllll way to recharge for the week (and a short week too!! Yay Thanksgiving!).

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